Phu Quoc Food Tour

Phu Quoc Island is renowned for its pristine white sand beaches, which have earned it the moniker “Pearl Island.” However, the island’s commitment to environmental conservation and its rich cultural heritage are equally noteworthy alongside its picturesque shores. In addition to its stunning natural beauty, Phu Quoc is recognized for its production of fish sauce, pepper, and pearls. In this article, ICA Travel Group will introduce you Phu Quoc Food Tour. After reading this article, we hope that you find your best Phu Quoc Food Tour!

Phu Quoc Food Tour No 1: Goi ca trich

Phu Quoc Food Tour No 1: Goi ca trich

Herring meat is delicious and healthy. Therefore, the locals process it into many delicious dishes such as grilled with lolot leaves, cooked in sour soup, … But the most prominent is still salad. According to Phu Quoc people, herring salad at Khem beach is the most delicious.

As a rustic dish, herring salad requires meticulous preparation. The cook must choose fresh fish, so that the meat is fragrant, sweet and fatty, and less fishy. After that, the fish is cleaned of scales, intestines, head, fins, and tail. The cook uses a thin knife to remove the bones and take the meat from both sides.

Ingredients include thinly sliced ​​onions, shredded carrots, grated coconut, fried minced garlic and coriander, … All mixed well with herring and sour sauce. The special feature of herring salad is that the sauce is not made from lemon juice. Instead, people mix it with vinegar grown with ripe guava fruit, season with a little salt and sugar. Finally, the dish has a sour taste and a mild aroma.

A delicious herring salad is a bowl of dipping sauce made from minced garlic and chili, roasted and peeled peanuts. Then it’s mixed with delicious fish sauce, …

When enjoying, diners take a thin piece of rice paper and add raw vegetables and fish salad. Then eaters roll it up firmly and dip it with sweet and sour dipping sauce. The fresh taste of fatty herring meat with grated coconut, the scent of herbs and the rich spicy dipping sauce, … It’s hard for diners to forget it.

Phu Quoc Food Tour No 2: Banh canh ghe

2 cách nấu bánh canh ghẹ ngon đơn giản chuẩn vị tại nhà

Banh canh ghe is such a light and typical breakfast dish of Phu Quoc island. How can Phu Quoc tourists forget this delicious and strange Phu Quoc crab noodle soup? Initially, the noodle soup is made from white rice flour cooked with bone broth, crab meat and sometimes other seafood. Then boiled fresh crab takes the meat from each fiber and puts it in a hot bowl of noodle soup, the sweetness of the crab. Specially, the aroma of the broth used to make a bowl of crab noodle soup is unmistakable. The crab meat is Ham Ninh crab with juicy, chewy meat that brings a wonderful feeling to the eater’s tongue.

Just looking at the bowl of crab noodle soup and spring rolls, I already feel captivated. Filling the bowl with crab meat, mackerel patties and a few stems of coriander like flowers and pistils. The bowl of cake is delicious thanks to every piece of crab meat being fatty and sweet. Salty mackerel patties, both flexible and chewy; The stems of banh canh are bright and attractive, … Again, I encountered the spicy taste of pepper and the caressing sea breeze that enhanced the delicious food.

Phu Quoc Food Tour No 3: Hai samHải sâm Phú Quốc: Tác dụng - Giá - Cách chế biến - Món ngon

Phu Quoc sea cucumbers are not simply a precious natural product. Moreover, the tourists choose it as gifts for family and friends after each trip. This is also a delicious, nutritious dish that anyone who has traveled to Phu Quoc should try once.

Sea cucumbers have many names, in some areas they call them sea leeches. In others, they call them sea rum, and in Phu Quoc people call them “don mot” or “sudden” sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are listed as a group of rare marine creatures in the world. The reason is the number of in the wild is small, farming is difficult, and they are being heavily fished.

Currently, very few sea areas have large sources of sea cucumbers. Only sea cucumbers in Phu Quoc Vietnam are abundant in quantity and have high value in quality.

Phu Quoc Food Tour No 4: Bun quay

Bún quậy - Đặc sản Phú Quốc ăn một lại muốn ăn hai

Stir-fried noodle soup is the most famous and popular dish in Phu Quoc. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that Pearl Island is the homeland of this dish. But in fact, vermicelli noodles originate from Binh Dinh. Binh Dinh’s shrimp noodle dish followed the footsteps of fishermen who came here and was transformed into a mixed noodle dish.

But why fried noodles? People say that this dish will be served with a cup of dipping sauce mixed from soup powder, sugar, …To make a delicious cup of dipping sauce, you have to stir quickly. When the spices dissolve, the sauce thickens and the attractive red color is “standard”.

Enjoying mixed vermicelli is also very different. Diners will have to prepare their own bowl of dipping sauce to best suit their taste. The restaurant staff will guide you on how to mix it to have a delicious cup of dipping sauce. However, many restaurants today invite diners to enjoy pre-mixed dipping sauce according to the restaurant’s own recipe.

Although the fried noodle dish is made from simple ingredients, it is “memorable” with food lovers. The secret to the appeal of this Phu Quoc specialty is the broth and dipping sauce.

The broth of the vermicelli dish is fragrant with lemongrass and sweet with the taste of shrimp. Firstly, the chef will stir-fry minced lemongrass and then stir-fry the shrimp heads to create a fragrant aroma throughout the kitchen. Then add seafood broth to the stew. Hencely, the broth of stir-fried vermicelli will be a bit light because it is used with dipping sauce. Therefore, the aromatic and sweet taste of shrimp is not overwhelming.

Phu Quoc Food Tour No 5: Nuoc mam Phu QuocNghề làm nước mắm ở Phú Quốc - Di sản văn hóa phi vật thể quốc gia

Phu Quoc fish sauce is not only famous in Vietnam but is also known in many countries around the world. The rich flavor of fish sauce has created a unique culinary culture for the pearl island of Phu Quoc.

Coming to the pearl island, visitors can buy Phu Quoc fish sauce as gifts for family and friends. Visitors also want to know about traditional fish sauce factories that are hundreds of years old. This will definitely become one of the unforgettable experiences for tourists who love to explore.

Phu Quoc fish sauce is the common name of fish sauces produced on Phu Quoc Island – Kien Giang. This type of fish sauce is not only famous in Vietnam but also known in many countries around the world.

Phu Quoc Food Tour No 6: Ruou sim

Rượu Sim Phú Quốc | Công dụng & địa chỉ mua UY TÍN nhất

Sim wine is a Phu Quoc specialty as a gift that many tourists choose after each trip. Not only is it a famous gift, this wine also brings many extremely useful uses. Some can be listed such as: stimulates digestion, reduces pain, improves blood circulation, …

Sim wine is mainly made from rose myrtle – this type has a sweet taste and a light aroma when ripe. Besides, the fruit also has more antoxyanoside pigment, tannin and is sweeter than sim myrtle. Therefore, this is the main ingredient for making wine.

Phu Quoc people have very unique recipes to create the delicious aftertaste of this specialty. It’s mainly based on the recipe for making grape molasses and grape wine. The main ingredients are wild myrtle fruit, 29 degree wine and fruit yeast.

After being picked, Sim will be washed and pureed through the selection process. Next, the sim is fermented with granulated sugar for 1 month according to a certain ratio. Going through this process, when you try it, you will feel the unique sweet and astringent taste. The color of dark pink wine is very eye-catching.

Southwest Vietnam Food Tour No 7: Hat tieu

Kinh nghiệm mua tiêu Phú Quốc khi đi du lịch | Hội du lịch Việt Nam

Pepper has been grown by residents on the island for a long time. When the first people stopped in this land, they began to build a life. In addition to fishing with a rich source of shrimp, people on the island have also tried to find crops suitable for the climate and soil here. The type of tree selected not only needs to be suitable for the land, but also needs to have economic value to make life less difficult.

Pepper is the selected plant variety. In the past, almost every family in Phu Quoc grew pepper. In any area on the island, you can see large pepper gardens, with rows of pepper needles all tall and straight. The pepper growing area on the island is estimated at about 470 hectares. When pepper is in season, the whole pepper garden glows red. The unique fragrant scent blends with the wind and spreads throughout every corner and space of the island like the scent of the whole world.

In conclusion, ICA Travel Group gave you a full Phu Quoc Food Tour. For detailed information, please contact us and ICA Travel Group are glad to offer you the Phu Quoc Food Tour!

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